
Search Engine Optimization

909 Digital Marketing features a great deal of activities generated by online marketing campaigns and search engine optimization (SEO) initiatives, including the both – 'automated ones' and 'the coordinated efforts by the team of experts'.

As there's a vast online community making online searches for businesses each day, so why not you be found easily, not only fast but first too, on the most commonly used search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Apart to boosting your ranking in search engine, 909Marketing enhances your global presence drawing new customers to your business. A well planed schedule of SEO activities can make your business information accessible to millions of potential customers online with just a fraction of hefty advertising costs, enabling you to track and analyze your business success.

"9 Seconds" that's all you have!

We all know marketing is everything, no matter how qualified professionals you have, no matter how much relevant experience you have, no matter how calibrated and skilled you are, to set the business on right tracks what is important is the right marketing strategy.

As the market trends have changed so have the mediums. Earlier print medium was the sole and only means of reaching masses and classes. But as the reach of internet has expanded beyond all levels, so has the concept of marketing.

With a $16 billion market that is growing at a rate of 37% per annum, online marketing is set to grow. Online marketing is a mission which can never be accomplished by just setting up a website. It's not about just looking good but also working excellently in a profitable manner. It is very important that people actually find you.

Reportedly 93% of consumers worldwide use search engines to find and access websites.
Source: Forrester Research

Search engines generate ranking based on the various algorithms and tools generally referred to as the "spiders". Undoubtedly, search engines have been recommended as the most viable tools for finding people on the net. But do you know that 93% of the people visiting search engines "do not" go in for results beyond the second page.

"Research has shown that people rarely go beyond the top 30 results listed from a search. In fact, the top 30 results get over 90% of search traffic and the top 10 results receive nearly 80% more traffic than those achieved in positions 11-30" webshopworkshop.co.uk

For any website to function in a profitable manner it is very important to rank higher in the search engine results. Search engines have algos. and tools that judge and determine the ranking of a particular page. These are generally referred to as spiders of the web. Search engines feature two types of results these include:

Sponsored results
80% of traffic comes from the organic results and not paid results.

Search engine optimization is one unique strategy that undoubtedly takes time to result but still SEO is recommended as "right" technology and the only reason for it is that the results are here to stay.

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