Competition is everywhere you look and in places where you don’t. Auto-complete in Google’s search bar is a problem you might not have noticed or expected to run into. Chances are how ever good you may be in terms of results, Google will suggest competitors to your products and services when you search your keywords or even your brand. How do you side-step something inevitable? The answer is, you can help some of it while you can’t change it all. The only chance you have at working out a strategy to improve what you see in auto-correct when searching for your brand name or keywords is to be with an effective search engine optimization company. 909 Digital is a reliable and experienced SEO company that will help you tide over all your SEO problems.One of the biggest concerns about auto-correct is seeing negative phrases associated with your company’s or brand’s name. Google acknowledges that the more a term is searched, the more are its chances of cropping up in auto-correct suggestions. This is especially true when a major event has just happened and when you search for a phrase containing even a word of the event related searches, you might get it as a suggestion on auto-correct. It is indeed troubling to see your brand being associated with something negative and for that, instead of searching for that result again, discourage everyone from searching for it as searching will only make the problem worse. Encourage positive searches with variable keywords related to your brand.

While you cannot change what you do see, you can make an effort to get people to search for what you prefer. It could be a slogan, a catch phrase that you could run in your ad campaigns or make a string of words with your brand name as a part of it and use these everywhere. This would translate, slowly but steadily, to more desirable auto-correct suggestions over time.